Our last ultrasound was when I was only 18 weeks pregnant. They gave us only 80% that is was a girl. I was OK with that but between then and now I've had several dreams that I was having a boy. It really confused me and made me think it was just a shy boy. Well we had another ultrasound last night to make sure the baby was head down which it was. In fact, since it was head down we were able to get a good look at who it was. It is most definitely a girl. So I'm not sure why I had all these dreams about having a boy unless Noah just wants to make sure that I don't stop at one child.
We are so excited to meet Zoe. We were able to get some 4-D pictures of her and I think she looks like me already. HEHEHE It was hard to get a clear picture of her face because of the placement of the placenta and the fact that she is so far down. If anyone wants to guess on when I will deliver, the weight, length and time I will add you to our list. Whoever gets the closest will get a cheesy gift.
The pictures are amazing. Can't wait for Zoe to get here!
I am putting in my guess at August 26, 5:37 pm. 7lbs 8 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. hee hee. Have Fun!
Totally spectacular pictures! My guess is August 31st 4:31 am. 6 lbs 11 oz and 19.5 inches long.
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