Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Entertainment for the Cats

I thought that I should do something to keep the cats occupied instead of sleeping in all the baby places. I had gotten a fish tank for David when he came home from church with a gold fish a few months ago. The fish gave up the ghost about a month ago and so I got the tank back. We have had it sitting in the front room empty for a few weeks and so finally I got some fish to put in it the other day. We know have 3 guppies(1 male and 2 females) and an algae eater. The cats love it! Mister finally moved aside so that Aggie could get up to see them and talk to them. I hope that it keeps them entertained when the baby comes home. I've forgotten how much I love fish tanks. I was laying on the couch watching them the other night and found myself falling asleep. We haven't come up with names yet so if you have an suggestions feel free to comment on what you think they should be.

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