Say Hello to Vanessa 7847. She is one of my favorite cows from the dairy. She had to have a C-section because she was to small and the bull calf was too big. Both did very well. Even though I had to give her shots of anti-biotics for a week so that her incision would heal and not get infected. She was an ideal patient. This leads into my point later on about cows and their dispositions. She was not raised any different than the other cows and yet she loves human attention.This year is already much different than last year. After working on and off at the dairy for 7 years, I decided it was time for me to move on. I had a lot of mixed emotions on my last day of work. I was going to miss the people I work with and all of the cows. I was there when many of them were born and actually named most of them. It is sad to say goodbye to all of my babies. There are a few that I will not miss, Sabrina 827, Vanilla 947 (your daughters where not the nicest heifers either) and all the other cows that would kick at me(you know who you are). I should really write a book on cow characteristics and behavior. You can't tell me that a cow who is totally friendly like Pippin 767 who stands there and loves to be have her back scratched was raised any differently than Cei 808 who would rather kill you than look at you. To have a daughter who spent under an hour with her mom, grow up and have a very similar personality whether it is nice, mean or indifferent, is no coincident. You can't tell me that is not genetic. I'm telling you my book would be a NY Time Best Seller. I can see it now, "I Kick, Therefore I am going to be Meat."
So with no more full time work I was wondering about what to do with my time. I went to Florida for a week to visit the Tyree's and have a nice relaxing vacation. It was perfect. While I was there I got a call from the dairy herd vet. He was offering me a part time job working in the vet clinic. So now I work on Tuesdays and Fridays helping out where ever I can. It is nice to have some work but not to have to go everyday. I still take care of the animals at the farm twice a day so I can get my daily animal fix. Life is pretty good right now and I'm enjoying spending more time with mom, Susan and the boys. It is nice to have them so close.