I love snow. Not so much driving in it but I love that it makes the world white. Just like being in the temple. Granted the next day most of the snow looks gray and yucky. But for those few hours after it falls and before all the roads get cleared it is so beautiful.
We had our first big snow storm of the winter season today. We must have gotten at least a foot of snow this afternoon. It was so crazy. I woke up and we had no new snow but several schools where closed already. Well, it started snowing at about 8:30 and then the rest of the schools sent the kids home. I left work at about 1pm and it was white out conditions. I don't think I got above 25 mph. When I got to the farm I had a big job ahead of me. Plowing the driveway. All I can say is I'm so glad that we have a tractor. It took about an hour to get it cleared. Then I went and feed the animals which only took about 20 minutes. By the time I finished that I needed to plow the driveway again. I finally got home after 3pm and took a very long hot shower. My toes are still tingling from being so cold.

It finally stopped snowing about about 5pm right after Aaron finished snow blowing at the hotel. He also got out of work early today since all the libraries decided to close. I guess you don't need tech support if your are not open. I think he really likes that job.
So now I'm in my nice warm house listening to Christmas music and enjoying the Christmas tree lights. I love this time of year. If I had my own world we would always have Christmas lights. Every month would have a holiday with it's own color of Christmas lights. Maybe they would match the gem for that month. That is a fun thought.